Meno - Items filtered by date: February 2017
Friday, 24 March 2017 11:11

Hold tight to your children,

all those you can see, those you can not.

The world if full of ether,
joy of a soul who's time has come.

They stand beside you...

Published in Daily
Thursday, 23 March 2017 11:11

How is there love?

Where is the love? MenoKingdom 3-23-17

How can there be love?

Love in the face of such madness.
Ravage of spirit.
Rape of sanctity.
The use of love...

Published in Daily
Tuesday, 21 March 2017 07:53

Today I surrender

I surrender to grace, to beauty, to triumph.

All that I know clings
massages with certainty
seduces with ecstasy
flows with hunger...

Published in Daily
Wednesday, 08 March 2017 06:16


Hello Anna.

Say hello to today...

Published in Daily
Monday, 06 March 2017 08:01

Giving thanks- Today

God, in order to thank you for this day, I want to thank you for all if have, all I can be.

What can I do?

Be good to yourself. Feel no lack, no remorse, no pain.

Published in Daily
Thursday, 02 March 2017 07:41

Good morning World.

Full of confusion, terror and goodness.

As pain is forced upon us, we rise.

Rise with the strength of the sun...

Published in Daily