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A Prayer for Passion

May you find, keep, hold dear all the passion which we have been gifted,
certain that there is no greatness in normalcy.

Our hearts call, yearn for the path set before us,

our minds believe it cannot see the way,
passion for our beloved and faith in His


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Why Now

Shows the Compass of Desire

There is a compass inside each
weathered, black with the sand of time.

Buried in a drawer, in the packet of our soul.
The beauty of it, in its case
the rhythm of the world absorbed when touched. 

Reach angel,

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Meno one safe instance 6 01 16

To have the love of Christ shine through me.

Become all its kindness,
listen to its candor.

For this one safe instance,
drop our defenses,
our emotional suit of armor,
which has been crafted so skillfully to repel the ravages.

Perish the old as the saave sinks deep down into our hearts,
covered with scars,
slowed by haze...

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Good morning World.

Full of confusion, terror and goodness.

As pain is forced upon us, we rise.

Rise with the strength of the sun...

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A small prayer for Eternity

Forever and for now,
for all that is and will be
you are part of eternity.

A love that can never die
your soul embraced by the Lord, on high...

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Today I pray for the cleanliness of my soul.

It be free of scars of the past, hindering memories which my hold it back from moving like the wind.
It may keep pace with destiny, behold its freedom, flirt with time, shelter the powerless.

Published in Daily

The Awakening

Survey the land.

The land that you have cultivated.

The people, home and accomplishments you have tended,
the situations you have chosen; the circumstances from which you derive your riches.

Under your rule, has your kingdom prospered?
Is it better now than when you began your reign?
Would you, yourself want to be a citizen of this land?

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