Slow down.

Slow your thinking,

watch as the world unfolds before you.
Navigate with confidence your presence,
be a blessing to those in the area of your physical presence,
many not even knowing you are there.

Published in Daily
Meno- Praying for time

Praying for time

Is there a way for Christ to turn back the clock?

A way to feel the failures of our lives can be replaced with happiness, progress?

Or do we say thank you to the past?

Thank you for the lessons of experience,
the ability to be here, remain here,
to learn and utilize the knowledge gained from our lives?

Look back now, to your personal...

Published in Daily

A small prayer for Eternity

Forever and for now,
for all that is and will be
you are part of eternity.

A love that can never die
your soul embraced by the Lord, on high...

Published in Daily