I pray for the experiences that will make me bigger.

Recite this prayer.

God, give me more- emotional stability, surety, confidence, self-love.
Show me how to pass this on to others.
Instill strength, gentleness.

Yes Ann, know that for all you know, experienced, you are triumph.

Published in Daily

Today I pray for the cleanliness of my soul.

It be free of scars of the past, hindering memories which my hold it back from moving like the wind.
It may keep pace with destiny, behold its freedom, flirt with time, shelter the powerless.

Published in Daily

There may be no other day than today.

The world, our daily lives, may seem real and predictable;
such is the focus on our routine to meet our needs.

Has there ever been a day without one small, unexpected item, thought, idea or person that came into your life? Right smack in the center of your oh-so-well planned-out routine?

No, there hasn’t.

The mantra...

Published in Daily

Mneno 110315 no bkgdDo not diminish the value of today.

There may be no disappointment more devastating than realizing- I blew it. 

Then the gut-wrenching choice of making one more try, or...



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Meno passion quote 1 16 16

A Prayer for Passion

May you find, keep, hold dear all the passion which we have been gifted,
certain that there is no greatness in normalcy.

Our hearts call, yearn for the path set before us,

our minds believe it cannot see the way,
passion for our beloved and faith in His


Published in Daily

Today I surrender

I surrender to grace, to beauty, to triumph.

All that I know clings
massages with certainty
seduces with ecstasy
flows with hunger...

Published in Daily