A Day Like Today

Monday, 21 December 2015 10:02

Meno you are not your environment 12 21 15

A day like today

Cold and gloomy, the kind that seeps in from the outside.

Seems to fall right into your bones.

Shine through the environment.

It is hard, it takes concentration, effort, and open-minded thinking.

But you can do it.

One of my favorite speakers Joel Osteen declares,

“You are not your environment.”

Maybe not, but you are affected by it.
How to block out, overcome or use the environment to your advantage,
no one talks about that.
Over the next few days, let’s be there for one another, to share ideas, tell positive experiences, get in line with the deep, bright shining light all have withing us to move forward, reach up and allow the gloom of our environments to fade into the background.

Your environment, physical and mental will define you as a person- if you allow it.

Much love.
God Speed.