A Prayer for Possession
May there be sincerity and sentiment in every word uttered today.
The power of life and death is in the tongue.
If we look closely, our great religious leaders became great, made their mark on the world, by not holding their tongues.
They spoke their truth to any who would listen, used stories and parables to illustrate their points, knew the strength their tongues possessed to admonish oppressors and rebel against injustice.
Words strewn in gentleness and passion.
Many parents, loved ones and guardians encourage us not to speak ill of others.
What a hefty challenge when daily we experience frustrations, disagreements and see injustice at the hands of those we know.
We, faced with our own oppressors.
The power of life and death is in the tongue.
What are we to say in the face of challenge?What words do we use to console, protect, detract?
Today we pray for a challenge we face every day.
The maturity, wisdom and compassion to use this great, great power with integrity, honesty and humility.
We pray to be so utterly possessed by the Lord, that every sylable, every nuance of verbal communication is lead through Him.
We pray our words bring forth life, beaming and abundant,
justice, sure, strong and compassionate,while healing the source of injustice, to not inflict punishment in kind to those who suffer the confusion of its creation.
The power of life and death is in the tongue.
Praise your children, speak gently to your family, soothe the beasts and vegetation around you.Most of all,
a must of all,
go look in the mirror,
speak kindly, supportively, confidently to yourself.