Meno - Items filtered by date: October 2015
Thursday, 19 November 2015 10:36

Mneno Prayer for couples 11-19-15Today is a day for Couples.

Love, Joy, Blessed.

Section of a prayer by St. Anthony of Padua

"...Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone
To have a deep soul relationship with another
To be loved thoroughly and exclusively...."

Read special prayer in full post.

Published in Daily
Wednesday, 18 November 2015 06:54

Mneno Pray for animals 11 18 15Today is a day for the animals.

Our gorgeous, giving four legged friends.*
We hold in our hearts their safety, loving treatment, full, happy lives and smooth angelic passage.

It lifts my heart to know they go to romp with all of our former animal beloveds;
they are encased in and are nurtured by the source of their joy.

Joy they have shown to us so selflessly, constantly and, embarrassingly for mankind, at times so undeservingly toward us.

Keep them in your hearts today..

Read special prayer in full post.

Published in Daily
Tuesday, 17 November 2015 08:52

Mneno- Pray for Paris 11 2015

A prayer for Paris

“ all of you around the world who have taught us that witnessing the world’s troubles isn’t depressing but inspiring- because crises bring out the innate helpfulness in people, and because side by side with the worst of humanity, you see the best.*

Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheyl WuDunn
“A Path Appears”

I can not claim to know much about politics or the intricacies of international relations.
I, as we all do, recognize pain in another, no matter how near or far they may be...

Published in Daily
Tuesday, 03 November 2015 04:28

Mneno 110315 no bkgdDo not diminish the value of today.

There may be no disappointment more devastating than realizing- I blew it. 

Then the gut-wrenching choice of making one more try, or...



Published in Daily
Monday, 02 November 2015 12:20

You can not tell me there isn't someone out there- you haven't met yet, you would absolutely adore.

Published in Daily