“...to all of you around the world who have taught us that witnessing the world’s troubles isn’t depressing but inspiring- because crises bring out the innate helpfulness in people, and because side by side with the worst of humanity, you see the best.”*
Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheyl WuDunn
“A Path Appears”
I can not claim to know much about politics or the intricacies of international relations.
I, as we all do, recognize pain in another, no matter how near or far they may be.
Witnessing the pain of others, even though they suffer out of sight on the other side of our beautiful planet, may we remember and be eternally grateful- they are not out of reach.
The world seems to spring some new crisis daily, loss which peirce our hearts as our love, prayer and good wishes go out to those in its midst.
Please now, take a moment, to ease the pain.
Silence the world around you,
breathe deeply,
know in the next moment you will arise and
do good.
*emphasis added by Mneno