Today we pray for our Kingdom

Tuesday, 02 February 2016 04:11

The Awakening

Survey the land.

The land that you have cultivated.

The people, home and accomplishments you have tended,
the situations you have chosen; the circumstances from which you derive your riches.

Under your rule, has your kingdom prospered? Is it better now than when you began your reign?
Would you, yourself want to be a citizen of this land?

If you believe your life is failing take a bird’s-eye view, the big picture of your life.

See your section of the world with clear, unbiased eyes.
Are the people of the land (those people in your life) happy and prosperous for knowing you?
Is the land (your home, properties, belongings) well tended and in excellent repair?
Is your business (the source of your income) keen, ethical and cleanly run to produce wealth to support your citizens with nourishment, safety and integrity for the Lord?

Draw out your kingdom like a map.

With the most successful part of your life with the largest section of land, place other sections its border where they come in contact with different sections of your life, for instance if your social life is primarily connected with co-workers, the business borders the people or social sector on the map.

Note the health of each section according to its true state in your life.

Draw the land as rich and lush, or arid and withering, untended.

What does each section need to prosper and enrich the land and it’s inhabitants?

Most importantly- you live in your kingdom too.

How is the state of the land of your own heart?

Looking at our lives in this way can be overwhelming, especially when we feel unhappy or that much of what has happened to us was out of our control.

True as that may be, draw the map as honestly as you can.

Choose one section, just one portion of your kingdom to tend more carefully.

Decide the rules of the land, how you will change your behavior to respect your improved rule. Put serious thought and effort into deciding what a truly good, strong and just ruler would do to make life better in his/her kingdom. You are after all building a legacy for generations to come.

We pray for you today,
your kingdom be vast,
your rule be true,
and you always, always hold dear to the Lord and his mastery in our soul.

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