To have the love of Christ shine through me.
Become all its kindness,
listen to its candor.
For this one safe instance,
drop our defenses,
our emotional suit of armor,
which has been crafted so skillfully to repel the ravages.
Perish the old as the saave sinks deep down into our hearts,
covered with scars,
slowed by haze.
Disolve the ravages of abuse,
the withering of addiction.
I, as we all, eventually in our lives, have gone nearly mad with the thirst.
The drive to be better than who I am, to be more and more complete each day.
The walk of those who seem to be broken.
Bending down to pick-up the pieces, gathering them into their arms, carrying them on their journey. Our attention looking down for the pieces, never up to the path where we've lain our feet.
Stop and feel the love of God.
Keep hold of the pieces if you like, or drop them. Eventually they become air.
All that is known now is the Soft white light, easy air.
The iridescent touch of divine lightness which occupies all of eternity, each millimeter of space around you.
Breathe the splendor of the angels.